Import Libraries

Clustering Model in Spark - Customers

We will use SparkML to create a clustering model


  1. Use PySpark to connect to a spark cluster.
  2. Create a spark session.
  3. Read a csv file into a data frame.
  4. Use KMeans algorithm to cluster the data
  5. Stop the spark session


We will be using the following libraries:

  • PySpark for connecting to the Spark Cluster

Suppress Warnings

To suppress warnings generated by our code, we’ll use this code block

# To suppress warnings generated by the code
def warn(*args, **kwargs):
import warnings
warnings.warn = warn
# FindSpark simplifies the process of using Apache Spark with Python
import findspark

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

#import functions/Classes for sparkml
from import VectorAssembler
from import KMeans

# import functions/Classes for metrics
from import RegressionEvaluator

Start Spark Session - Task 1

#Create SparkSession
#Ignore any warnings by SparkSession command

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Clustreing using SparkML").getOrCreate()


Download Data Locally

import wget ("")

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 8909 (8.7K) [text/csv]
Saving to: ‘customers.csv’

customers.csv       100%[===================>]   8.70K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2024-11-09 22:41:59 (31.3 MB/s) - ‘customers.csv’ saved [8909/8909]

Load CSV into SparkDF

# using the function we load the data into a dataframe.
# the header = True mentions that there is a header row in out csv file
# the inferSchema = True, tells spark to automatically find out the data types of the columns.

# Load mpg dataset
customer_data ="customer.csv", header=True, inferSchema=True)

View Schema


 |-- Fresh_Food: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- Milk: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- Grocery: integer (nullable = true)
 |-- Frozen_Food: integer (nullable = true)

View Data

|12669     |9656|7561   |214        |
|7057      |9810|9568   |1762       |
|6353      |8808|7684   |2405       |
|13265     |1196|4221   |6404       |
|22615     |5410|7198   |3915       |
only showing top 5 rows

Create Feature Vector

You must also tell the KMeans algorithm how many clusters to create out of your data

# Assemble the features into a single vector column
feature_cols = ['Fresh_Food', 'Milk', 'Grocery', 'Frozen_Food']
assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=feature_cols, outputCol="features")
customer_transformed_data = assembler.transform(customer_data)
# Tell KMeans how many cluster you want
number_of_clusters = 3

Create Clustering Model

kmeans = KMeans(k = number_of_clusters)

Train Model

model =

Make Predictions

# Make predictions on the dataset
predictions = model.transform(customer_transformed_data)

View Predictions

# Display the results

|Fresh_Food|Milk|Grocery|Frozen_Food|            features|prediction|
|     12669|9656|   7561|        214|[12669.0,9656.0,7...|         0|
|      7057|9810|   9568|       1762|[7057.0,9810.0,95...|         0|
|      6353|8808|   7684|       2405|[6353.0,8808.0,76...|         0|
|     13265|1196|   4221|       6404|[13265.0,1196.0,4...|         0|
|     22615|5410|   7198|       3915|[22615.0,5410.0,7...|         2|
only showing top 5 rows

View Customers per Cluster

Group the predictions per customer

# Group by cluster and count customers per cluster

|         1|   49|
|         2|   60|
|         0|  331|

Change # of Clusters

Let’s go back and change the number of clusters to 4 to see

# Tell KMeans how many cluster you want
number_of_clusters = 3
kmeans = KMeans(k = number_of_clusters)
model =
# Make predictions on the dataset
predictions = model.transform(customer_transformed_data)

# Display the results

|Fresh_Food|Milk|Grocery|Frozen_Food|            features|prediction|
|     12669|9656|   7561|        214|[12669.0,9656.0,7...|         0|
|      7057|9810|   9568|       1762|[7057.0,9810.0,95...|         0|
|      6353|8808|   7684|       2405|[6353.0,8808.0,76...|         0|
|     13265|1196|   4221|       6404|[13265.0,1196.0,4...|         0|
|     22615|5410|   7198|       3915|[22615.0,5410.0,7...|         2|
only showing top 5 rows

# Group by cluster and count customers per cluster

|         1|   49|
|         2|   60|
|         0|  331|

Change the number of clusters to 2

# Tell KMeans how many cluster you want
number_of_clusters = 2
kmeans = KMeans(k = number_of_clusters)
model =
# Make predictions on the dataset
predictions = model.transform(customer_transformed_data)

# Display the results
|Fresh_Food|Milk|Grocery|Frozen_Food|            features|prediction|
|     12669|9656|   7561|        214|[12669.0,9656.0,7...|         0|
|      7057|9810|   9568|       1762|[7057.0,9810.0,95...|         0|
|      6353|8808|   7684|       2405|[6353.0,8808.0,76...|         0|
|     13265|1196|   4221|       6404|[13265.0,1196.0,4...|         0|
|     22615|5410|   7198|       3915|[22615.0,5410.0,7...|         1|
only showing top 5 rows

# Group by cluster and count customers per cluster
|         1|   65|
|         0|  375|

Stop Spark
